What are you looking for?

Senior IT Consultant with 13 years of experience. Expert in tech solutions, strategy, cloud, cybersecurity. Aligning tech with business goals for optimal results.

How can I help you?

My daily duties encompass a range of critical activities, including conducting software demonstrations, performing rigorous software testing, formulating project strategies, creating interactive mockups in the initial stages, orchestrating development sprint planning, drafting comprehensive software specifications, prioritising issues based on their severity and feature importance, managing the development process, offering technical support, and nurturing strong client relationships.



Sprint Planning

24/7 Support

Clean code

Quality software


Cost effective

Transparent & honest


``The time is always right to do what is right!``

Follow My Thoughts

Sharing my passion, hobbies, knowledge and expertise to connect with global audience

Have a project you'd like to talk about?

Feel free to contact me anytime!

Quote of the Day

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.